If you are troubled about your double chin for no other reason than its unattractiveness and the way it makes you look overweight, there are quite a number tricks. These are just simple methods that won’t cost you much, although there are expensive alternatives should you decide otherwise.
Here are some of the tips you can adopt right now.
Start Exercising
One of the simplest way to exercise is to chew gum. You need to strengthen and build your jaw muscles so that skin becomes tighter and stop sagging. However, before you start anything more strenuous like going to the gym or signing up for an aerobic exercise class, see your doctor.
You need to establish two facts about your body. One can your heart handle the stress and at what level; and two, what diet changes you need to work on at the same time.
Shift to A More Nutritious Diet
If you can, visit a dietician and find out what types of food to stay away from. Offhand, you will be advised to lessen your meat and fat intake, as well as alcoholic drinks, sugary drinks, and salt or food high in sodium. Consider adding more green vegetables, fish, sweet corn, beans, and apples.
Start Doing Some Facial Exercises
You need to start flexing your facial and jaw muscles, and one of the easiest ways is to move your mouth, chin, eyes, even nose in different directions. You can also try stroking your neck and chin area, moving upward and using some soothing oil or lotion. This is especially helpful if you are on a diet, losing weight fast, and want to avoid sagging skin.
You could also try using some wheat germ oil or cocoa butter on your neck and chin. These are products that improve the elasticity of your skin, as well as tighten your skin, provided you apply it in an upward motion.
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